Nos amis Musiciens du Monde

Kate Gregor, Seiko, Yuri, François, Mike, Sönke, Francesca, Mary et tous les autres ….

La famille MAXWELLMaxwell

Finding La Renaissance’s rehearsal room is pretty difficult – so that is why the ‘chef’ meets you off the metro! Of course, he doesn’t say he’s the conductor; you don’t find that out until after you have arrived together and he lifts up the baton.

No, first impressions of La Renaissance are friendly, welcoming, and delighted that you want to play. And that’s before you’ve even stepped into the room. When you do step into the room, the introductions begin. Greetings are more important than starting bang on 20.30 (and you must greet everyone). Every face is smiling, the bar is (unofficially, until the break) open (you help yourself from the fridge, you put your money on a plate on the counter, if you don’t have it you write on the blackboard what you owe, and of course your first night is free). Introductions are made, conversations abound. After a while, Denis (who met you at the station) calls order and wanders over to the conductor’s stand. You are found a place, and the rehearsal begins. Some bands achieve good playing by hard slog. La Renaissance achieve it by easy slog. That’s to say, the atmosphere is so friendly, and the banter so lively, that you forget that you are actually working on a piece of music. Yet the improvement is amazing. Everyone gives their all, and willingly. There are no auditions, all abilities are welcome, you play what you can. The 90 minutes or so until Denis calls ‘Pause’ fly by. Then, once again, you are surrounded by conversation. There is never a lonely minute: it is a band policy that everyone is included.

You don’t speak French? That’s OK, ‘Jérôme, he learn English. Jérôme, viens ici!’ In this way, friendships are made and cemented. I will probably never forget our first rehearsal with La Renaissance. Newly arrived in Paris, we naively assumed that a rehearsal starting at 20.30 would be over in two hours. In fact, we rolled home at 3am (thanks to a lift from said Jérôme, in fact). After the rehearsal is a meal and, if you are lucky, it is a ‘pot’. A ‘pot’ is where some band members team up and provide and prepare food for everyone. No need to pay – you just make sure you volunteer about once a year. Our first week was one such ‘pot’. It has been said that musicians can make it to the bar before the last note has finished sounding: not true. By that time at La Renaissance, they are not only ‘watered’; they can also have the tables out and the chairs re-arranged ready for dining. You have already had an amazing time, but the most enjoyable part of the evening is about to begin. During our time there were many ‘pots’. Raclette, Brazilian, Burns Night (of course – though it is far easier to source haggis in Paris than neaps), crêpes, fondue, oysters, Beaujolais nouveau, and many, many more. Even a non-‘pot’ night would feature pâté, wine, bread, cheese, crisps… And no need to worry about running to catch the last metro – no, someone will always give you a lift. (Even if it means going three times around the Bastille roundabout.) Gigs range from under the Eiffel tower to playing in stations, and yes, by now you can probably guess the social side of them.

In short, La Renaissance embodies everything that is great about French hospitality. The snootiness for which Paris can be infamous is as far away as Toulouse. Joining the band carries all the advantages of joining a large, happy family. (They even helped us move house, as we were pleased to help others with things like DIY.) Everyone pulls together: skills are shared; babies are born (the envelope goes around); joy is spread; if something unfortunate happens understanding and practical help abounds. Despite being large, the band manages to make every individual feel both welcome and valued, no matter what your playing ability or language level. You quickly find that, living in Paris, an unassuming hut in the grounds of the Gare d’Austerlitz becomes your home on a Friday evening: warm, welcoming, and wonderful.



ハーモニー・ ラ・ルネッサンスへようこそ。ハーモニーのメンバーはとてもフレンドリーで、音楽を愛し、また人の繋がりを大事にします。練習の後にはご飯を食べながら会 談します。参加希望お待ちしております。


Yuroko HAGAYuri

L’Harmonie la Renaissanceはパリ滞在中の最高の思い出のひとつです。居心地のいいこの楽団で過ごす時間が大好きで、毎週の練習をいつも待ち遠しく思っていま した。メンバーはみな気さくで優しく、練習中も笑いの絶えない明るく素敵な楽団です。帰国したため離れてしまいましたが、いつか帰りたいと思っています。


François LEFEBVREFrançois L

Corniste amateur, je fus du groupe des cors étrangers de l’harmonie La Renaissance.
Un Français, un Mexicain et un Québécois
Ca fait plaisir d’avoir rencontré ces formidables de bons musiciens, mais aussi des épicuriens.
Contact chaleureux et surprise, autant sérieux dans la musique que festifs dans l’après musique, y a pas de naisage, on finit par se maganer un peu.
Ça s’peux- tu de faire partie d’une si bonne gang de copains, un souvenir à jamais conservé de la riche amitié des musiciens amateurs du monde.
Dommage d’être un peu loin pour participer à vos pratiques, j’serais pas achaler de traîner mon lutrin et ma petite bière,
vous auriez à vous checker ma bande de chums.
Un Québécois

Au plaisir



When I arrived in France, way back in 2001, I was looking for different jazz groups to play with. Somewhere during my search I came across an advert looking for a drummer in a concert band – I thought, why not? Half expecting hear and play classic concert band music (not the most exciting for a drummer), I quickly found that that was not at all what Denis Lancelin had in mind. After a wild 15 minute Looney Tunes medley, I got the nod from Denis and understood that I got the job.

I spent the next 6 years with the Renaissance concert band. During this time it was clear that Music is ultimately what drives the band as well as what motivates them to come every Friday night. But the ambiance also includes a very warm and friendly feel which certainly is maintained by their regular ‘pots’ (a kind of pot luck) which follows almost every rehearsal. Sometimes I wondered whether the band rehearsals were excuses for the long ‘pots’ afterwards. The Renaissance has been around for a long time now, and I’m very happy to have spent a short time in it. Having been in France only a short time, the Renaissance certainly helped my adaptation to French culture – especially when learning to drink the right wines, eat the right cheeses and sing the right French ‘chansons paillardes’ (funny / crude / bawdy songs).


Sönke Frederik KRAFTSoenke

Als ich vor drei Jahren für meine Promotion nach Paris gekommen bin kannte ich dort niemanden. Auch die französische Lebensart war mir nicht vertraut. Allerdings hatte ich meine Klarinette im Gepäck und noch bevor ich richtig eingerichtet war, habe ich mich im Internet nach einem Orchester umgeschaut und bin auf die Harmonie « La Renaissance » gestossen. Die erste Probe hat mich gleich überzeugt. Obwohl ich kaum Französisch konnte, war der Empfang sehr herzlich und das vielseitige musikalische Programm hat Lust gemacht mitzuspielen. So konnte ich die letzten drei Jahre viele verschiedene Stücke spielen und habe Leute unterschiedlichsten Alters und beruflicher Herkunft kennen gelernt. Nicht zu vergessen die vielen gemeinsamen Konzerte und Unternehmungen. Dank des Orchesters habe ich Frankreich und die Franzosen kennen und schätzen gelernt!



Lively, relaxed and most of all friendly are three words that sum up the harmony. Joining the harmony is not only a great outlet for developing your interest in music but it is also a great way of meeting new people, especially it you are a foreigner coming to live in Paris for the first time. The harmony gives you the opportunity to play a variety of music, perform in concerts all over the city and meet up with your friends on a Friday night for a drink and a catch up. I would definitely recommend the harmony to anyone who enjoys music and a bit of banter!



l’Harmonie に入って約2か月、、20:30 頃からはじまって、途中に休憩、ま た23時過ぎまで練習して、みんなでごはんを食べて帰る…こ の何ともフランスらしい、ゆ るーい感じがとても気に入っています。フ ランス語がほとんど出来ない私でも暖かく迎え入れてくれる、と ても居心地のいい楽団です。パ リで吹奏楽をしたいなと思ったら、ぜひl’Harmonie の扉をたたいてみて下さい!


Henri-François RENARD


Un belge à Paris…

Janvier 2011. Je débarque à Paris, le coffre de ma voiture rempli avec tous mes brols. Dans le tas, mon euphonium, car j’étais bien décidé à continuer à jouer de la musique. J’avais d’ailleurs déjà exploré le terrain sur Internet avant d’arriver, où j’avais découvert le site de l’harmonie La Renaissance (au passage très bien fait et à jour !). Je me décide donc à sonner au chef, dont le numéro est affiché sur le site (même pas un numéro de GSM ! Serait-il réfractaire aux évolutions technologiques ?). Bref… Je tombe sur un monsieur ma foi fort sympathique qui m’explique qu’à la Renaissance, l’ambiance est familiale, les musiciens ne sont ni gros cous, ni péteux… et qu’il fallait que je vienne pour m’en rendre compte.
Un vendredi soir de début février 2011, me voilà donc embarqué dans une nouvelle aventure musicale et amicale. Car si la Renaissance est un lieu où l’on fait de la musique, c’est aussi un lieu de franche camaraderie où l’on peut rencontrer plein de gens sympas et intéressants, de tous les âges et de tous les milieux !
Bref, dans ces conditions, je n’ai pas eu trop dur à m’intégrer. Aujourd’hui, un an est déjà passé et j’encourage tous les souffleurs du monde à faire un tour par la Renaissance ! Bonne humeur assurée !
Et pour paraphraser une publicité célèbre en Belgique, je dirais : « La Renaissance, au plus que tu la goûtes, au mieux que ça te goûte ! ».

Grosses baises bien plaquantes à tous,


Coming to live in Paris and then looking for a band to play in, I never thought this is what I’d find. A friendly atmosphere filled with banter, music and food means you don’t mind spending your Friday nights in a room in a dark corner of the Gare d’Austerlitz! It’s given me the chance to play in concerts all across the city and to meet all sorts of people. The music is typical wind band fun; rehearsals are long but always a laugh and not too stressful or demanding and then at the end of the practice the tables are set and we all eat together. The Harmonie is a wonderfully welcoming place to learn how to speak proper French, to discover which wine and cheese is what, and of course, to play a bit of music.



Ich hatte das Glück, während meines Parisaufenthalts im Herbst 2015 beim
Orchester « Harmonie La Renaissance » mitspielen zu können.
Beeindruckend ist das große Repertoire des Orchesters.
Die Querflöte wurde mir kurzerhand geliehen und ich bin
sehr freundschaftlich aufgenommen worden. Nach dem Musizieren haben
wir immer noch lange gemütlich beisammen gesessen und sind sogar zum Abendessen eingeladen worden.
So kam ich mit vielen Orchestermitgliedern in Kontakt. Ich werde diese
Freitagabende immer in bester Erinnerung behalten.




« Arriving in Paris with my saxophone, I knew I wanted to join a wind band, and living in the 12th arrondissement, I looked online and found this one just across the bridge! I was met by Jérôme outside when I wasn’t sure where to go, and was welcomed instantly by the entire wind band. The rehearsals were fun and filled with laughter and the pieces we played were interesting and beautiful. I was so pleased and comforted to have found that wind bands could have the same energy no matter where you are in the world and the familiarity of this music setting made me feel at home. Not only were the rehearsals a load of fun, but after every rehearsal we ate and drank until late in a way only the French know how! I even won the fêve as we ate the « galette des rois » during Epiphany and wore the crown, partaking in a fun French tradition.
Cultural exchange was shared in both directions, however – there’s nothing like having to repeat Welsh town names multiple times to roars of laughter to make a Friday evening fun!
I couldn’t think of a better way to immerse myself in French culture and still feel at home, improving my French and meeting new people to make my year in France so much more enjoyable. Thank you, diolch yn fawr et merci beaucoup l’Harmonie La Renaissance! »
Rachel et James
L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est IMG_20190407_151547866-1024x768.jpg.

When moving to France, we were not sure whether we should bring our instruments with us. Rachel was even considering selling her clarinet — as she hadn’t played it in three years anyway. We’re glad that we decided to bring them along anyway, as joining the band reminded us why we enjoyed playing in the first place!

The group is friendly and welcoming, and very accommodating of our mediocre French. It’s been a great opportunity to learn more about French culture, and draw parallels like the ‘pot’ instead of the post-rehearsal pub trip, or doh-ray-me-fah instead of C-D-E-F!


Hiroko OGAWA





Ci ho messo del tempo a trovare quello che cercavo. In Italia ho suonato per anni nelle bande di paese. Repertorio variegato, gente sorridente di tutte le età, prove settimanali, qualche concerto e ovviamente pane, vino e salame ad ogni occasione. Bene, finalmente ho trovato tutto ciò anche qua a Parigi, alla harmonie la Renaissance. Qua ho finalmente potuto sfoderare la mia tromba, che troppo a lungo è rimasta a prendere polvere.
L’ambiente è formidabile: la politica dell’orchestra è che ognuno è benvenuto (persino gli italiani!) perché ognuno può apportare qualcosa di proprio. Sia musicalmente che gastronomicamente. Sì perché ogni venerdì sera dopo le prove, in men che non si dica i leggii scompaiono per lasciar posto alle plance, che a rotazione ogni sezione di strumenti provvede a imbandire per mangiare tutti insieme. Quando si tratta di suonare si lavora sodo e i pezzi vengono studiati seriamente e con assiduità. Il risultato durante i concerti è infatti di alto livello.
Sono profondamente grato al maestro Denis per avermi reso parte della sua orchestra dal primo minuto. Sono sicuro che la Renaissance contribuirà al ricordo che avrò di Parigi, quando lascerò la città.